What is Horizontal and Vertical Scaling and Advantages Disadvantages

honi piple
2 min readJun 28, 2021

In this blog i write about advantages and disadvantages of horizontal and vertical scaling

Scalability: — Scalability is the ability of a system, organization, process, or method to grow, such as doubling the number of customers in a company without any failure in their service.

Horizontal Scaling: — A horizontal scaling one system is that can increase capacity by adding more computer to the system.

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Advantages of Horizontal Scaling: -

  1. Easy Scalable tool.
  2. Less expensive.
  3. Easy to upgrade.
  4. Infinite scale.
  5. Much lower cost than vertical scaling

Disadvantage of Horizontal Scaling: -

  1. Extra Equipment are required such as router, Switches.
  2. Architecture is complicated.
  3. High licensing fees.
  4. High utility cost
  5. Limited number of software available that can take of horizontal scaling.

Vertical Scaling: — Vertical scaling usually mean upgrade server hardware according to our need. vertical scaling refers to scaling by adding more power (e.g. CPU, RAM) to an existing machine.

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Advantages of Vertical Scaling: -

  1. Reduce software cost
  2. Easy implementation
  3. Licensing fees less
  4. Less power consumption
  5. Easy to manage and install hardware within a single machine

Disadvantages of Vertical Scaling: -

  1. Limited scaling
  2. Implementation cost is expensive
  3. Finite scope of future upgradability
  4. Low availability
  5. Required financial investment

Comparisons of vertical and horizontal scaling:-

